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Johnny Applespice Baking Spice Blend

On a sunny day, Boston Spice took one of our legendary road trips to find the hometown of the famous Johnny Appleseed. In 1774, Johnny was born, John Chapman, in a small Massachusetts town called Leominster.

Boston Spice Johnny Applespice Baking Spice Blend

In 1793, he set out in a canoe to help his fellow man by planting apple tree orchards for the pioneers and settlers as they headed westward during the country’s expansion.  Most of his orchards grew apples used to make beverages instead of for eating.

Around 1840, at a small farm in Nova, Ohio, Johnny planted his favorite type of apple tree, the Rambo. If you make the trip to Leominster, you can find a descendant of the last Rambo apple tree.

We needed to honor him with a special spice blend. When you make a pie, you want it to be special, right? You want people to feel the love you put into that pie. Our Johnny Appleseed spice will help you spread the love one bite at a time.

Boston Spice Johnny Applespice



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